Bakery Flours
Since 1882, Siemer Milling Company has been setting the standard for quality and service in the flour milling industry. Milling is our business, but we aren’t just a cake flour supplier. In addition to being a flour supplier for the consumer packaged good industry, we also provide hotel and restaurant flour (H&R flour) for the food service industry.
Many of our customers take advantage of our milling expertise and collaborate with our team to create the best custom milled flour for their plant. Both our standard bakery flours and custom bakery flours are offered in 50 lb bags, supersacks & bulk.

Soft Wheat Flour
Highest quality flour milled from cleaned, sound, soft red winter wheat to your specific needs. Soft wheat flour is typically used in applications such as:
- Cake Flour
- Biscuit Flour
- Cookie Flour
- Donut Flour
- Cracker Flour
- Batter & Breading Flour
- Soup/Sauce/Gravy Flour

Hard Wheat Flour
High protein flour milled from cleaned, sound, hard red winter wheat to your specific needs. Hard red wheat flour is typically used in applications such as:
- Bread Flour
- Bun Flour
- Pretzel Flour
- Pizza Dough Flour
- English Muffin Flour

All Purpose Flour
Blended flour milled from a custom blend of high quality soft and hard wheat to your specific needs. All purpose flour has many applications such as:
- Bread Flour
- Cookie Flour
- Pizza Dough Flour
- Pancake Flour
- Pastry Flour
- Soup/Sauce/Gravy Flour

Whole Wheat Flour
A premium product for your whole wheat flour needs. Whole wheat flour is a natural, finely ground product, from cleaned, sound wheat milled to your specific needs. Our flexible system offers a variety of granulations in soft, hard and white wheat.
- Whole Wheat Bread Flour
- Whole Wheat Cracker Flour
- Whole Wheat Pancake Flour
- Whole Wheat Pizza Flour
- and more!

Heat Treated Flour (Non-Chlorinated Cake Flour)
Siemer Milling has responded to the increasing consumer interest in natural ingredients with a fully-functional, non-chemically treated Cake Flour that has parity to a Chlorinated Cake Flour, or Bleached Flour. This is the only product in the US market that allows you to replace chlorinated cake flour with an All-Natural Ingredient.
- Heat Treated Cake Flour
- Heat Treated Pastry Flour
- Heat Treated Soup/Sauce/Gravy Flour
Does your product or plant require a custom flour blend? We can help. Contact us today about our Custom Solutions.
All of our flour products are available in the following sizes & configurations. Please contact us for more information or if you have custom delivery needs.

50lb Bags


Bulk Tankers